Thursday, April 17, 2008

gardening gets the boot

I went to Home Depot last night, in search of potting soil and planters for my Organic Container Garden Project. I was unimpressed with the expensive terracotta pots*, and I'm not interested in potentially leaching chemicals from the cheaper plastic pots into my vegetables. I would just plant in the ground, but as many Riversiders know, our soil has a high natural lead content. Plus container gardens offer more flexibility of location. The point is, I'm on the lookout for free or cheap non plastic planters. I saw these aluminum culvert planters today, and I like the ingenuity. Is aluminum any better than plastic, though? I have no idea. Terracotta, aluminum, plastic, old car tires, treated wood... they'll all probably end up killing you in the end.
* I did see an awesome fake boot planter, but I don't think its that great for a container garden. I did a search for it, and apparently other people were as stunned by its fantasticness as I was.

climate: sunny, high 40's
shoes: brown flats
ipod: david bowie

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