Tuesday, March 11, 2008

mixed seasons

Featured in this showcase garden is a half ski pole fence support and a single fake tulip. There is also a stick of bamboo being used as a fence support as well, and a seashell for decoration. The fence that required all this elaborate support is one of these cheap-o plastic things that's 12" high and (I thought) you just stick into the ground. Now at what point do you say to yourself: This plastic decorative fencing is just not staying up! Rather then removing it and re-sticking it into the ground, I will saw a ski pole in half, and rig up this support system. That will look nice!
I mean the whole point of the fence is decorative, right? To create a picturesque enclosure for your seashell and fake tulip. So doesn't the ski pole take away from the decorative aspect? If you have to jerry-rig your decorations, are they still decorative? I mean... never mind, I don't think logic is going to work on this one.

climate: sunny, hight 20's
shoes: brown flats (I know, time to mix it up already. Guess who just got new rain boots!?)
ipod: The Fugees

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