Tuesday, October 7, 2008

pennies on the dollar

Look at these artfully arranged pennies on a window sill on Mass Ave. Coincidentally this is also the current value of my 401k! (Get it? COIN-cidentally!? HA!!) Alright, alright. Lets get down to business.

climate: sunny, low 50's
shoes: gray and blue sneaks
ipod: none, my cabbie kept yapping in a different language on a cell phone.
vote obama and not the GOP because: health care. Right now insurance policy costs are market driven, which might seem like a good thing, but what I'm paying for at this competitive price is a basic health coverage plan. But when I get cancer, all of the sudden my costs will skyrocket because my basic plan doesn't cover all the additional cancer crap I have to deal with. So just shop around for a plan with better coverage, right? Wrong! No new plan will accept me because we all know I have cancer. I'm screwed! Obama's plan will force insurance companies to accept me regardless of my pre-existing conditions, so when I find out a different provider has a cheaper plan, my insurance provider will actually care that they're about to lose me as a customer. McCain's plan doesn't really talk about this issue. I read it. All it says is that he'll "Work With Governors To Find The Solutions Necessary To Ensure Those With Pre-Existing Conditions Are Able To Easily Access Care." (Did that really need caps on each word, JM? No. No, it didn't.) So anyway, he doesn't say what kind of care, he doesn't say I get to chose my care, he doesn't say much of anything. And when I have cancer, and my plan has a co-pay of $75 per chemo shot, but a different plan offers $25 for the same delicious chemo cocktail, will I be able to switch? Well, I don't know! It doesn't say! And really, is that the time to find out about this crap? When I've got an IV in my arm and all my friends are trying to make me eat popsicles? No. This is the time to enjoy my friends and my popsicles, not think about my co-pay.
McMaverick does say that he'll give me $2500 in tax credits to pick a provider different than what my boss offers. Great! Except when I quit my last job, COBRA was $300/ mo, and that's the cheapo plan. So if the cheapo plan is $3600 a year, $2500 isn't going to get me much. Maybe it will buy me a wig and some popsicles. But I don't even need a wig, because I can't afford that chemo anyway! I will be left with expensive cancer and $2500 worth of popsicles.

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