A car wearing a dunce cap. Perhaps its being punished for not being fuel efficient? Or perhaps just a friendly Halloween prank. I guess not everything has to be analyzed into a social issue.
climate: sunny, mid 40's
shoes: brown flats
ipod: forgot to charge that battery again
vote Obama and not the GOP because: socialism. Lets just get a few things straight. First, click here for the definition of socialism. Second, click here for a more in depth explanation of the same concept. Okay, did you read any of those? Yeah, me neither. But I know what socialism is, basically. And so does Obama. So when Obama made a comment about "spreading the wealth around", that was just an aside about his tax plan, and why he feels its better to give people with smaller incomes larger tax cuts. That's all it was- just that one comment! Never has he claimed to be, or want to become, a socialist. If that was the case, I think he would run on the socialist ticket like Gloria La Riva is doing, but he's not- he's on the democratic ticket. So now that that's cleared up, lets look at who does have a little socialist experience. Hmm, lets see here, how about...oh, WOW!! Its Sarah Palin!! And there's a fantastic article in the New Yorker about it. Here's a recap, because I know clicking all these links is a pain: Alaska doesn't have income tax or sales tax. They pay for their government services by charging oil companies, using the money they need, and giving the rest to the residents of Alaska.
A few weeks before she was nominated for Vice-President, she told a visiting journalist—Philip Gourevitch, of this magazine—that “we’re set up, unlike other states in the union, where it’s collectively Alaskans own the resources. So we share in the wealth when the development of these resources occurs.”Okay, so am I saying this is a bad thing? No, I don't think its a bad thing. Its obviously working out well for the Alaskans! The problem is that SP is getting on her soap box and crooning to the media about how Obama-is-a-socialist-and-its-horrible-and-we're-all-going-to-suffer-now. But really, she's the one with an active socialist type policy. If she really thought it was so evil, she wouldn't be doing it, right? So which is it, SP? Is socialism bad or good? I'm just throwing this out there, but I'm thinking that she doesn't really know. And someone that doesn't know about their own method of creating wealth- is that someone we want in the white house? No. No, its not.
P.S. Hi Norm and Liz!!
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