Monday, November 3, 2008

obama08: 3 2 1 ...

A sign on the HUCTW office. (Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers).

climate: overcast, high 30's
shoes: silver flats
ipod: a long story involving mail ordering new hardware and 70's music
vote Obama and not the GOP because: Well, the elections are tomorrow, so you probably should have your mind made up by now about which way you're going to go. If you're still not sure, then think about this. McCain's joke on Saturday Night Live about only being able to afford time on QVC was funny because it was true. He's not getting the donations because he doesn't have the support. In that sense, the US has already voted. Obama has a bajillion dollars of campaign funding- enough to buy all those spots on major networks for his Obama Infomercial. That money did not come from his back pocket. That money came in twenty-five dollars at a time, from people that want a change in policy and agenda in the White House.
It is time to make that change. It is time to be that change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I applaud your "vote Obama and not the GOP because" segments. They have been well thought out, well researched, and right-on. Now we can watch as history unfolds and we see the begining of a new era. Hope wins out over fear. Reason wins out over hate. Keep up the good (and fun) work.