Thursday, May 29, 2008

71 hours and 59 minutes, 71 hours and 58 minutes, 71 hours and....

...and we're back! It was a long weekend involving mini golf, my birthday, and worms, followed by a long start to a short week, involving meetings, car rental, and not walking to work.
Bike season has officially begun, and this morning I saw this bike ticket. So the 72 hour countdown has also begun. If you know how to pick a U-lock, head on over and hook yourself up with a sweet ride! (Now before you get a bee in your bonnet- I'm no bike theft proponent, but I also don't think the PRC should get such a nice colorful set of wheels for free)

climate: sunny, high 60's
shoes: fantastic new argyle patterned flip flops
ipod: none. no battery, yo

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