Thursday, July 31, 2008

for reals

For reals, people. For reals. I mean, if its on a homemade bumper sticker slapped on a lamp post, it must be true.

climate: sunny, mid 80's
shoes: brown flips
ipod: destiny's child

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

oh happy day!

Its a miracle! Little Jimmy can walk! He doesn't need the ol' crutches anymore! Now if we could just teach him to pick up after himself and stop leaving his things laying around on the curb, we'd be all set.

climate: sunny, high 70's
shoes: blue and gray flips
ipod: gym class heroes

Monday, July 28, 2008

hot or not?

I think this is some kind of failed experiment; this morning it was clearly not hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk. Maybe they're hoping it will be ready by the time they get home from work?

climate: sunny, low 80's
shoes: brown flats
ipod: Saturday Morning Cartoons album

Thursday, July 24, 2008

grilled peace

I had to practically jump a fence to get a good picture of this, but here's a peace sign sticker on a charcoal grill. What happened here? Dude has a bunch of peace sign stickers laying around and he pops one on the BBQ? Maybe everything in his house has peace sign stickers on it! Maybe its all Haight-Ashbury meets Bobby Flay up in there.

climate: sunny, raining (yes, at the same time!) mid 80's
shoes: blue and gray argyle flips
ipod: jim james and calexico

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


On the sidewalk in front of a house that's being painted. The likeness to an exclamation mark is remarkable, yet clearly unintentional. Somebody sign these guys, I think we have another Pollock on our hands.

climate: overcast, low 80's
shoes: brown flips. yes, again.
ipod: paul simon

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Oh, man. I can't believe this kind of language is posted on a school bus! Further yet, I can't believe this is what a school bus looks like these days! What happened to the golden yellow embarrassment with the sticky green vinyl seats all torn up with springs sticking out? Kids get to ride in a van these days? A van with swear words on it?? Damn. Kids these days have it so good. When I was their age...

climate: overcast, low 80's
shoes: brown flips
ipod: can't get that stupid mamma mia song out of my head.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Yesterday was some crazy biblical weather around here. There wasn't any hail, but enough rain to drown a turkey. I think the idea behind this meandering stone path is that it elegantly diverts rain water run-off to the street- and I would have liked to see it in action yesterday because I'm sure it was one of the first residential white water rapids around.

climate: sticky.
shoes: brown flops
ipod: beatles

Friday, July 18, 2008

shoe tree

Sometimes your green space just needs a little something extra. Like size 9 sling backs in medium brown with a embossed burl texture.

climate: sunny, high 80's
shoes: see above. no, really, brown flips
ipod: abba

Thursday, July 17, 2008

good porch/ bad porch

Here's the bad neighbor situation every good neighbor dreads- if you live in a duplex, that is. The picture doesn't do this justice, but the house on the left is well groomed and the house on the right looks like it got dressed in the dark. (Goofus and Gallant, anyone?) So Gallant wants to upgrade the porch but can't do so without undermining Goofus's structural system. I'm guessing Goofus wanted to spend money on popcorn and movies, not schoolbooks and new steps. The solution? Shore that sucker up with a 2x4 and a cinder block and build a fence for spite. Helloooooo Neighbor!

climate: sunny, high 80's
shoes: brown flips
ipod: bah.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

best unintentional garden ever

I noticed this lovely fenced in yard today. Its displaying quite a bit of green for something paved entirely in asphalt.

climate: overcast, high 80's
shoes: black and blue argyle flips
ipod: whatever

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

the can IS the trash

Its the age old question, how do you throw out a trash can? The note didn't work because the garbage truck drove right on by. And they were so gender PC, too! I wonder what their next tactic will be?

climate: sunny
shoes: brown flips
ipod: found it! but didn't remember to bring it.

Monday, July 14, 2008

ain't that the truth

I don't want to get into where I've been for the last month. Lets just say I've spent a lot of time at Cantab Lounge on Mass Ave, hanging with Mr. Cook and throwing back cans of lukewarm LaBatts. Which reminds me- remember the Cambridgeport Saloon? Anyway, the Cantab is not where I've been. But like I said, lets just say it was, okay?

climate: overcast, high 80's
shoes: brown flips
ipod: I currently cannot locate my ipod, but I think it might be in my green bag under the bed.